- спору нет
[these forms only; indep. clause used as sent adv (parenth; foll. by another statement, often introduced by contrastive Conj "но"; fixed WO]=====⇒ (used to emphasize that the statement it modifies is, in fact, true, even though a statement to follow will detract from or contrast with it) that is definitely true, there is no reason to doubt it:- thertfs no denying (disputing) it;- it can't be denied;- (there's) no question (doubt) about it (that);- there's no question (doubt) that...;- (there are) no two ways about it;- it's beyond dispute (that...);- that's for sure.♦ "Это [реальное развитие мира в сторону коммунизма] - грандиозный процесс, слов нет. Меня лишь интересует, что он с собой несёт фактически, а не на лозунгах и в демагогии..." (Зиновьев 2). "It [the actual evolution of the world toward communism] is a grandiose process; there's no denying it. But what interests me lies in just what it really offers, not in its slogans and its demagogy..." (2a).♦ [Астров:] Она [Елена Андреевна] прекрасна, спора нет, но... ведь она только ест, спит, гуляет, чарует всех нас своею красотой - и больше ничего (Чехов 3). [A..] She [Helen] is beautiful, there's no question about that, but-let's face it, she does nothing but eat, sleep, go for walks and enchant us with her beauty. That's all (3c).♦ [author's usage] [Муаррон:] Отец - пристойная личность, нет слов, но ревнив, как сатана, и характера ужасного (Булгаков 8). [М.:] Father is a decent sort, no doubt about that, but he's as jealous as Satan, and he has a terrible personality (8a).♦ Спору нет, Раскольников успел уже себя и давеча слишком скомпрометировать, но до фактов всё-таки еще не дошло... (Достоевский 3). It was beyond dispute that Raskolnikov had already managed to compromise himself too much during this scene, but nevertheless they still had not come down to facts... (3a)
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.